Chewings Fescue Seed
McKay’s Chewings Fescue is a bunch type, very fine leaf fescue that is medium to dark green in colour. It is among the most shade and drought tolerant of the cool season grasses. Chewings Fescue resembles Tall Fescues in growth, being more upright than creeping, yet still retaining the texture of the fine fescue group.
Chewings Fescue is an ideal choice if you need low maintenance grass in shady situations where trees compete for nutrients and water. It has the ability to crowd out weeds or other undesired grasses and prefers to grow on more sandy soils of low fertility.
This grass performs well in open sun and moderate shade, is both drought and frost resistant and non-aggressive. It can tolerate surface water in winter and is resistant to many diseases. It grows well in areas of high altitude and alpine regions.
Chewings Fescue blends well into most other lawns for overseeding, which is the predominant use of this grass. The addition of Chewings Fescue can improve the performance of the grass that it is oversowing. One of the most popular blends of seed is the mixture of Perennial Rye Grass and Chewings Fescue.
Chewings Fescue is best adapted to Australia’s temperate climates and where summers are cool.
Seeding Rates:
New Lawns: 30 grams per square meter (3kg/100m2)
Overseeding: 20 grams per square meter (2kg/100m2)
Please note: There are currently quarantine restrictions for seeds being sent to TAS and WA.
Tasmanian customers: When placing an online order, please document ‘ATT: TAS Biosecurity’ in the ‘Company’ section above the address line to enable faster processing of your seed through quarantine.
WA customers: Quarantine fees apply for seed inspection. Please contact McKays Seeds through the Contact Us link or via phone to discuss your options.
For more information see below tabs ‘Description’ and ‘Features’ to see if this grass suits you!
Chewings Fescue is tolerant of soil acidity within the pH range of 5.0 to 6.5. It was first cultivated, harvested and sold as a seed in New Zealand.
Sowing Tips: Chewings Fescue is well adapted to sandy, acidic and often infertile soils. It has a very dense root system which ensures its strength.
Optimal Planting Time: We recommend that you plant Chewings Fescue in Spring and Autumn when soil temperatures are 15ºC and climbing.
Germination: Approximately 14 days (climate dependent). Limited use in approximately 3 weeks.
Water: Grown on non-irrigated sites, Chewings Fescue will eventually go dormant and revive when the rains return.
Fertilizing: Chewings Fescue performs well in low fertility areas and requires less than half the fertiliser than other cool season turf grasses.
First Mowing: 2-3 weeks after germination.
Mowing Frequency: This fescue can be mown down to 4cm in height. It is ideal for sites that are hard to mow, such as on slopes, along creeks, roadsides, golf course roughs and non-irrigated fairways, in reclamation areas, or as a cover crop under grapes and orchards. Can be left unmowed to produce a meadow effect and will grow to around 15 inches/38cm.
Disadvantages of Chewings Fescue:
- Is not as wear tolerant as other grasses of the fescues.
- Not suitable for livestock grazing or pasture use.
Seed and Package Details: 100% Chewings Fescue.
Independently Tested: 85% Min Germination, 98% purity. A seed testing Certificate is available upon request.
Ideal Usage: Residential Lawns, Commercial Landscapes, Parks, Playgrounds, Alpine areas
Roadsides, Erosion Control.
Where can I sow this grass in Australia? Areas 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Shade Tolerance: Excellent
Daily Sunlight Required: 4+ hours
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Frost Resistance: Excellent
Traffic Tolerance: Very Good
Warm season grasses thrive during the warmer months in Spring and Summer and may go dormant in cooler climates through winter.
Cool season grasses thrive during the cooler months in Winter
Seed information
Shade tolerance (Weather)
- Full Sun
- Part Shade
- Heavy Shade
- Full Shade
Drought tolerance (Weather)
- Moderate
- Good
- Excellent
Traffic tolerance (Weather)
- Moderate
- Good
- Excellent
Frost tolerance
- Poor
- Moderate
- Good
- Excellent
Average days to germination
- 2-3 Weeks
- 2-4 Weeks
- 3-4 Weeks
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Otherwise, to metro zones it's a flat rate of $9 (for orders under $75).
Non-Metro Zones
Standard Delivery
Australia Wide (except Western Australia), at cost from Australia Post.
Orders are dispatched within 24 hours via regular Australia Post (3-5 business days).
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In a hurry? Express shipping is available at checkout for both Metro and Non-Metro Zones. Priced according to shipment weight.
WA Customers
Due to quarantine restrictions, we have a different product range available for Western Australia.
If you are shopping for delivery to WA, please view our WA site here
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